Sunday, November 3, 2013

Busy, Beautiful October and Heading to Texas for Kid n Ewe

Holiday Spirit at the Dragonmoon Tea House in Tulsa

It has been a beautiful October in Oklahoma, cool, crisp with lovely light and some needed rainfall. What more could we ask of the weather?

I have been busy as a squirrel getting ready for the Kid n Ewe show in Boerne, Texas next weekend. No matter how well I plan it seems the last few days are always hectic and filled with long lists of things to be done. Adding that to the continuing work on the Fiber Studio building and trying to get some weaving in every day has made it a fast moving month. If you want more information on the Kid n Ewe show there is a link to the right on the blog and also some information under new shows on the right.

Never the less I have managed to keep up with the tapestry diary. November has begun! At this point in my diary journey it does not feel like days have actually happened unless I weave them. This month has everything from tea towel exhibits to pumpkin oatmeal raisin cookies, spray paint adventures to skidding squirrels all in those one by two inch squares! Of course there is also government shut down woes and personal trials concerning the wrong door on my studio building and trying to get the situation taken care of and small accidents around the house, but I do admit I try to tread lightly on the less positive days.

I have been continuing to work on pick and pick and introducing new colors from my lovely Ymmyarns collection. I have not used any cartoons this year but have kept a small notebook where I sketch ideas for the days. I will try to share some of that when I finish this years diary as I think the sketchbook may just last long enough to get through 2013.

I have also finished new jewelry, made progress on the Sheep Breed sampler and a very small amount of progress on the Mango Hunters, but I will wait to share some of these things either at Kid n Ewe or shortly after because most of them are packed up at this point. If you are on the mailing list I will be sending a coupon for the show soon... I hope to see some of you there.

Here is a shot of the outside of the studio with the new door. it is coming along nicely.

The inside still has much work to be done but as of this weekend the floor is finished. Big thanks to my husband Francis and son Josh who laid the floor while I was absent all day at the Tulsa Handweavers meeting.

Here is a partial shot of the inside with the new floor,

and an older shot of the attic loft before the insulation was finished.

There are two lofts on either side of the building where the ladder is in the previous picture and I don't think I will find it difficult to fill them.

Arleen garrison, Lynn Tedder and I hung an exhibit of Towels for Tea hand woven by members of the Tulsa Handweavers this month at the Dragonmoon Tea Company. The Dragonmoon is just north of 21st Street on Harvard Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  It was fun to do and the reception they organized was lovely with lots of the tasty treats that the Dragonmoon is known for. If you are close to Tulsa please stop by and have a look. The towels will be on display at least through November and if you are interested in better photos and close up views of the individual towels please check the Tulsa Handweavers website. There is a link to the right on the blog.

The towels circle the main dining room and there  are a variety of wonderful examples.

Moving around the room

delightful and creative towels adorn all the walls.

Here is a closer view of my contributions, from right to left Rose Garden, Lavendar Fields and Flamingo Lagoon.

I had some fun playing with 4 shaft Summer and Winter with  9 colors of 8/2 cotton.

For more pictures

I hope everyone is enjoying Fall. I still have blooming Hibiscus and Azaleas outside!

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