Saturday, March 16, 2013

4x4 Tapestry Finished !!

Four inches by four inches that is.  I have been working on a little 4x4 tapestry to send for the members group exhibit of Tapestry Weavers South.

Here is a photo in progress on the loom.  I decided to use my Border Collie, Laddie as my model and started by doing some sketches on the Brushes App. I enjoy doing quick sketches on Brushes and this is the second time I have woven a small tapestry from one. This was also my first experiment with using linen for the warp. It did feel different but I like the look of the linen. Unfortunately my choice of linen was more textured than I would like so I will still be looking for the perfect linen warp. I also used some of my hand spun yarn as the red back ground weft.

The yarns in his face are mostly Ymmyarns and a little white pearl cotton.

This second picture is finished but still on the loom.

Once the tapestry was off the loom it seemed so tiny and somehow unfinished...

... so I decided to add a little beaded edging.  He actually measures about 4 1/4" by 4 3/8 inches with the beaded edging but still within acceptable limits I think.

I have only to box him up and send him along. Wish I could go with him...


  1. Janette,
    Congratulations on finishing your Laddie tapestry for the exhibit! I hope you are happy with the result. I especially like the detailed color shading and the riveting look in Laddie's eyes. I am excited for you about finishing this piece in addition to your diary and the Mango Hunters. It was an ambitious plan, but you did it!!

    1. Thanks Margaret! I was happy to get it finished on time but I always see room for improvement. That is one reason to keep working I guess.
